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About Me

As a kid I was one of the most imaginative in my family. I always loved to create and make stories. That's how I see the world to this day. I would draw little skits and comics about the adventures my plushies would have in alternate universes.



When I was nine years old my dad took me and my siblings to watch a brand new movie that has just come out. The name of that movie was Bolt. I was excited cause I've always loved Pixar's films but once I sat down and I saw the first act of the movie, my world was changed forever and I told myself "I want to do that when I grow up! I want to be a storyteller". 


When I turned six years old I started to gain an interest in playing music, specially learning the violin. My parents scraped up enough money to buy me a violin and take me to private classes. From there I continued telling stories with my music, having in mind that one day I will be able to compose my own music for my own animations.

Once I had eight teen years old, I had to make a decision on what I wanted to do as a career. I've always been drawing since I could remember and every time I heard stories or watched cartoons that resonated with me, made me realize that I wanted to connect with other's in a unique way. And I wanted to make them feel how I felt whenever I connected emotionally with a character, so I decided to study a Bachelors Degree on 3D Animation, Visualization, and Interactivity and a Minor in Graphic Design at the University of Sacred Heart, at Santurce, Puerto Rico. 


After I finished my bachelors, I decided to partake on a project where me and a friend of mine would submit our animation Spring Cleaning to a film festival. 

To this day, through animation, music, and photography, I do my best to show people how beautiful the world is, and the stories that are behind each and every one of us. 

For more information you can always contact me at through email 

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